Each gardener has his own set of characteristics that make him fit for certain gardening styles. If you know yourself and the right gardening style that will fit the rearing of your organic garden and help you yield your vegetables effectively, then you have pretty much gotten an edge over other gardening enthusiasts. But what are the different types of gardening that you can look out for? 

Here are some gardening types that you can consider:

Residential Gardening

This is the most common of all gardening techniques. If you are a beginner and not yet inclined to produce vegetables for industrial reasons, then residential gardening is for you. The primary purpose of residential gardening is to sustain a family or two of a steady supply of vegetables and, at the same time, render aesthetic appeal to your backyard.

Residential gardening does not require too much space. It can also be cultivated in window sills, balconies, and other small areas that have sufficient light sources, are easy to monitor, and at the same time, are easy to maintain or free from pests. The good thing about residential gardening is the ease with which it ushers the gardening wannabe from not know planting to expanding to other gardening styles, whichever deems the fancy of the budding gardener.

Specialized Gardening

Specialized gardening involves non-residential areas that are known for their green quality and are often marketed as such. Parks, botanical gardens, amusement parks, and other tourist attractions fall under this category. Often, the staff is required to maintain due to its size, so effective administrative skills on top of gardening expertise may be required. It is also tailored for delivering profit to particular causes or organizations.

Impact Gardening

If you are up to the challenge of blocking weeds with minimal costs, then impact gardening is for you. It involves using relatively small space and maximizing its gardening potential. The plants are often crowded together.

Indoor Gardening

Residential gardening is under the huge scope of indoor gardening. Other types under this category include the gardens of conservatories, greenhouses, and academic institutions. You can also find systems for heating and air conditioning for certain breeds of plants. If you are the type of gardener who loves cultivating plants in and out of season, then indoor gardening is for you.

Water Gardening

If you want to garden with minimal supervision and love water organisms, water gardening is for you. This is a bit of a challenge for most gardeners because it usually doesn’t involve the initial conditions of other traditional gardening techniques. The novelty of water gardening appeals only to those with ample water facilities to cultivate this type of gardening style.

Community Gardening

If you are motivated by group efforts, community gardening may be for you. It involves concentrated efforts of the members of the community to help make a greener place. It involves a wide scope, but they are given autonomy to style their areas in whichever way they choose.